$ 7.00 USD

Demystifying Self-love

Demystifying Self-Love is an insightful, interactive ebook that deconstructs the true essence of self-love, moving beyond clichés and superficial affirmations to discover what it truly means to love yourself. This ebook is an out-of-the-box take on a trendy topic that will help you break free from the constraints of the wellness industry's commercial interests to cultivate a deeper, more authentic connection with yourself.

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Where did we go wrong?

A simple Google search using the keyword “self-love” yields >3 million results on how to cultivate self-love for happiness and success. There's no doubt that self-love is an important aspect of personal growth. But when you look under the hood of the self-love movement, what you discover might surprise you. Instead of contributing to our growth, healing, and evolution, the new-age self-love movement has done more harm than good due to the toxic narratives and half-truths that have distorted how we relate to ourselves, each other, and the Divine.

I wrote this e-book to expose the truth about the self-love movement and offer people the psychological tools and spiritual insights for a more wholesome self-love practice. This well-researched and thoughtful e-book is for anyone who is longing for a more wholesome, meaningful way to embody the spiritual experience of being and becoming that which you already are: LOVE! 

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Margarit Davtian

Educator & Consultant

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Margarit Davtian

Educator & Consultant

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What you'll find in this e-book

Chapter Breakdown

How it works

Book Length


No. of Words




Reading Level

High School



Price Tag


What you'll receive in this e-book:

Demystifying Self-love is designed to be an enjoyable and interactive experience, including but not limited to:

Reflection question: In addition to the tips in the last chapter, each chapter includes reflection questions to help you integrate the information and gain personal insights for expanded self-awareness and embodied self-love.

Recommended reading list: A curated selection of recommended books and articles to add depth and dimension to the topics discussed in the chapters.

Comprehensive citations: This e-book is well-researched and backed by critical analysis and the latest scientific findings in psychology. A comprehensive citation list is included in the end.

The PDF version is alive with interactive links to articles you can instantly add to your reading list for later. My favorite bookmarking services are Evernote and Instapaper.

Clickable table of contents allows you to jump to the section of the book that interests you most.

Beautiful images: Curated images to inspire you and enhance your reading experience.

Quotes: An intentional selection of my favorite quotes to invite you in for deeper reflection and inquiry.


Self-love is hard, but not because loving yourself is hard. In fact, loving yourself is simple. Self-love FEELS hard because loving your 'self' is a paradox. Instead of loving your 'self,' you need to let go of your self. Be self-less. And love will happen.

Margarit Davtian

Demystifying Self-love: Loving yourself beyond the trend
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